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Sabtu, 03 Maret 2012

Hello guys, just want to you tello, if you are very keen person on surfing or the person who like running business in travel, ... I'm gonna help you find the places. The location is in  NIAS TELLO, SIFIKA, SIBARANUN, TANAH BALA,  join on us here 0812 25753922, facebook, and, thx

Jumat, 02 Maret 2012

Image of Tello Island

Secara geografis kepulauan Tello merupakan salah satu wilayah Kabupaten Nias Selatan yang menghadap Samudera Hindia. Kepulauan ini memiliki keindahan alam yang sangat menawan, tak heran pulau ini menjadi objek wisata yang dikunjungi oleh wisatawan mancanegara untuk menikmati pantai dan ombaknya dengan berselancar.

selain itu, kepulauan ini juga memiliki keindahan bawah laut yang sangat indah, ratusan jenis terumbu karang yang masih terjaga kelestariannya, biota laut yang indah dan unik, serta pantainya yang berpasir putih menjadi sebuah pemandangan komplit yang menawan, inilah surga keindahan laut yang selama ini masih tersembunyi sehingga keberadaanya tetap terjaga.

Setelah menikmati keindahan bawah lautnya atau menikmati ombaknya (berselancar) dapat dilakukan dengan kegiatan "mancing" (Fishing Sport). tak perlu jauh-jauh ke tengah laut untuk memancing ikan, cukup beberapa meter dari pinggir pantainya anda bisa mendapatkan ikan kerapu, baronang, dan jenis ikan laut yang bisa dinikmati di pinggir pantai (bakar-bakar ikan) wuuuiihhhh,.. sedap,... belum lagi segarnya Kelapa muda menemani anda dalam bersantap. 

untuk transportasi?? jangan ragu:
akses ke Pulau Tello sebagai salah satu wilayah kepulauan terluar di Samudera Hindia semakin terbuka dan dapat dijangkau masyarakat, selain dengan penerbangan perintis dua kali dalam sepekan, masyarakat juga bisa menumpangi kapal fery dengan frekwensi sekali dalam dua pekan untuk menjangkau daratan Pulau Tello. Penerbangan perintis dilakukan dua kali dalam sepekan yakni pada hari Selasa dan Kamis dengan rute Medan-Sibolga-Pulau Tello-Nias-Padang menggunakan pesawat jenis Cassa 212 seri 200 berkapasitas 22 tempat duduk milik PT Nusantara Buana Air (NBA).

Sedangkan penerbangan carter umumnya berasal dari Bandara Internasional Minangkabau di Sumatera Barat yang mengangkut wisatawan asing dengan frekwensi tiga kali dalam sebulan, jelasnya.
Untuk kapal fery bisa diakses dengan rute Sibolga-Teluk Dalam-Pulau Tello berkapasitas 350 orang penumpang dengan jenis mesin 750 Gross Ton (GT) milik PT Angkutan Sungai Danau dan Penyeberangan (ASDP). 

Selamat datang di Kepulauan Tello, nikmati keindahan pantainya yang menawan,...

Sabtu, 25 Februari 2012

Images of Nias island

Nīas (IndonesianPulau NiasNias languageTanö Niha) is an island off the western coast of Sumatra, Indonesia. Nias (Kepulauan Nias) is also the name of the archipelago, containing theHinako archipelago.
Nias Island covers an area of 5,121.3 km2 (1,977.3 sq mi) (including minor offshore islands) which is mostly a lowland area on average 800 m (2,600 ft) above sea level. There were 756,762 inhabitants on the island (including minor offshore islands) at the 2010 Census.  

  • Geograpghy  It is located in a chain of islands parallel to the west coast of Sumatra; Simeulue is about 140 km (87 mi) northwest, and the Batu Islands are located about 80 km (50 mi) southeast. This chain, which resurfaces in Nusa Tenggara in the mountainous islands of Sumba and Timor, is the forearc of theSouth Sumatra Basin along the Sunda Trenchsubduction zoneAt Nias the oceanic plate is being obliquely subducted under the Asian Plate at the rapid rate of 52 mm (2.0 in) a year (Milsom).                                                                                                                                  
  • Administration : Nias is the largest of the islands off Sumatra that are part of North Sumatra province. This area consists of 131 islands and Nias Island is the biggest. The population in this area is about 639,675 people (including Ono Niha – the native inhabitant of the Island, Malay, Batak, andChinese).Until 2003 Nias was an administrative regency (kabupaten), part of the province of North Sumatra. In 2003 it was split into two regencies, Nias and Nias Selatan (Southern Nias).[citation needed] Subsequently the island was divided further, with the creation of two further regencies from parts of the former Niass Regency – Nias Barat (West Nias) and Nias Utara (North Nias) – and the designation of Gunungsitoli as an autonomous city independent of the four regencies. Gunungsitoli remains the capital city of Nias regency and it is the center of administration and business affairs of the Nias regency. Teluk Dalam is the capital of Nias Selatan.                                                                                                                        

  • Culture :  Isolated yet worldly, the Nias Island chain has been trading since prehistory with other cultures, other islands, and even mainland Asia. Some historians and archaeologists have cited the local culture as one of the few remaining Megalithic cultures in existence today. While this point of view is hotly debated, there is no doubt that Nias' relative geographic isolation has created a unique culture. As a culture of traders, the people of Nias find tourists to be a welcome – and historically familiar – phenomenon.[citation needed]
    Nias ceremonial stone jump.
    Nias is best-known for its diversity of festivals and celebration. The most well-known events are War Dances, performed regularly for tourists, and Stone Jumping, a manhood ritual that sees young men leaping over two meter stone towers to their fate. In the past the top of the stone board is covered with spikes and sharp pointed bamboo. The music of Nias, performed mostly by women, is noted worldwide for its haunting beauty.
    Gunungsitoli is home to Nias's only museum, the Museum Pusaka Nias (Nias Heritage Foundation),[1] which houses over 6000 objects related to Nias's cultural heritage. The museum had recently built a new building and had improved their storage and exhibitions when the 2004 earthquake and tsunami occurred. The museum suffered some damage to the grounds and collections, but museum staff are working to recover from this devastating event[2]
    The predominant religion is Protestant Christianity. Six out of seven Niasans are Protestant; the remainder are about evenly divided between Muslim (mostly immigrants from elsewhere in Indonesia) and Catholic. However adherence to either Christian or Muslim religions is still largely symbolic; Nias continues into current day celebrating its own indigenous culture and traditions as the primary form of spiritual expression.
    The people of Nias build omo sebua houses on massive ironwood pillars with towering roofs. Not only were they almost impregnable to attack in former tribal warfare, their flexible nail-less construction provide proven earthquake durability.
    Nias is home not only to a unique human culture but also endemic fauna which differ from other areas of North Sumatra because of the island's remote location separate from Sumatra.
    Nias Warrior

    Nias House
    Nias Wedding
    Nias place of sacrifice.